Arrival at school
All students should be ready for school by 8.50am each morning.
Bags and hats must be stored in the racks provided at each classroom. Bicycles are to be parked in the bicycle compound, which is locked daily at 9.00 am and reopened at 3.00 pm. Class work begins at 9.00 am.
There are risks associated with students arriving at school too early. The capability of the school to supervise students before 9.00am is extremely limited. Parents are to ensure that children are safely supervised. Students in years Prep - 6 must wait quietly in the tuckshop covered area until released by the ringing of a bell at 8.30 am for 'walk talk handball' time.
The school day
8.30 am School office opens
8.30 am Bell for students to move to designated areas for walk / talk / handball only
8.50 am Bell for students to move to class and organise themselves for learning
9.00 am Bell for start of first session
11.00 am Bell for start of first break - move to eating areas
11.10 am Bell for students to be released from eating areas
11.35 am Bell to signify first break will end in five minutes - students line up in designated areas
11.40 am Bell for start of middle session
1.30 pm Bell for start of second break - move to eating areas
1.40 pm Bell for students to be released from eating areas
1.55 pm Bell to signify second break will end in five minutes - students line up in designated areas.
2.00 pm Bell for start of afternoon session
3.00 pm Bell for end of school day - move to stop drop go or bus area
3.30 pm School office closes
At dismissal
Children should leave the grounds promptly after dismissal from class. Staff are rostered to supervise the students at the designated Stop Drop Go pick up area and in the library for those catching Love's school bus.
Students who ride must walk their bike from the school grounds and along the footpath at the Stop Drop Go area.
Any children still on the school grounds at 3.30 pm should be collected from the administration office. Staff accepts no responsibility to supervise children after 3.30 pm. Parents who are unable to meet this requirement are to use OSHC (outside school hours care).
Parking in the school grounds is restricted to “authorised personnel only" and includes staff, delivery vans and tuckshop workers.