Information on our school policies and rules can be located in the Parent Handbook (PDF, 477KB) and the Student Code of Conduct (PDF, 1.5MB). If you cannot download the document/s linked from this page, please contact us and we will provide a copy via the school office.
Administration of medications
All medications you provide for the school to administer to your child must be prescribed by a qualified health professional who is authorised to prescribe medications under the Health (Drugs and Poisons) Regulation 1996 (Qld). Please take time to read the medication fact sheet (PDF, 871KB).
The following steps must be adhered to in order for the school to administer medications eg. antibiotics, Ritalin, eye/ear drops:
Step 1:
Download and complete the medication consent form (PDF, 157KB).
Ensure the medication is in its original container and the pharmacy label is clearly visible.
Step 2:
Drop the completed consent form and medication to the front office.
Medications are not to be handed to classroom teachers or kept in student bags for self-administering.
If your child requires the school to administer medication on an 'as-needed' basis please ensure that additional to step 1 and step 2 above, your medical practitioner completes the medication 'as needed' consent form (PDF, 355KB).